Friday, July 27, 2007


These past 2 weeks at Bible study, we've been challenged to change the way we live our lives... In all areas: Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This morning at our Men's' Breakfast with a bunch of guys from the church, Glenn, who shared The Word with us, challenged us mostly on that aspect of Spiritual change... and isn't that the adventure of life that we're meant to be living for? Isn't that what it means to give up everything to follow Christ, to pick up your cross daily and follow Him?

The challenge came from Psalm 15- and targeted on what we can do to draw closer to the Lord, with specific and practical things we can actually do!! Things like working righteously, speaking honestly, holding your tongue and not slandering anyone (which includes even using truth to bring someone else down!!), and honouring Godly people...

Something that struck me at bible study on Wednesday, was the last thing the guy said: That if you don't start changing within 3 days of hearing this, you won't change, and yet how often do we hear motivational speeches about changing your life for the better, and you get all inspired, just to get home and say, "I'll start with that... tomorrow." That's probably one my greatest weaknesses in all honesty: procrastination! So I've been challenged with that!

The whole change concept is not new to me as a Christian though: 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" This is just so encouraging in terms of changing spiritually to become more like Christ! Again, a similar verse is found in Ephesians 4:22-24, "You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its evil desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

And so I come to this conclusion, that as a new creation in Christ, I need to make every effort to live a life worthy of that calling, by putting aside everything that hinders my growth and change, and to do it IMMEDIATELY!!

And so the squire continues in training...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Where can I find Love and Acceptance...

Upon contemplating this life adventure I'm on, I wondered about the different people, or objects we turn to to try and find love and acceptance. Many look to the exhilarating rush brought about by there fix of drugs to try and dull the miseries of life and bring light to a sad situation. Many others look to cigarettes and their supposed "Calming Effect" to try and bring this release from reality... Still others are sitting in a bar, or even at home, staring into the bottom of a beer glass... searching for something more... something better...

The world turns to drugs, alcohol, sex and who knows what else in an effort to find this love and acceptance. Little do they know, it is to be found not with a bottle in hand or an injection in one's arm, but on a bended knee, in humble submission before God... It is found not in Christians, but in the one they serve... No Christian can even guarantee you a constant love or acceptance, because they themselves are merely human... It is in Christ himself that this love and acceptance will be found. No human could ever love as perfectly as he did!

Love is both a choice and an action. It chooses to put aside that which is a priority to itself, in honour of the one it serves. It is a selfless act... This is who Jesus Christ is: someone who gave up everything for us-the ones he loves. HE accepts and loves us as we are! He calls us to himself so that He can complete us...

Even as a Christian, I often search for something more (why?- I don't even know). But this "something more" is found in actions of good intent: visiting an elderly person, giving people lifts to church, hosting a missionary in your home- anything to try and win the Approval of People. My observation and experience in this regard is that we are never satisfied once we have done a certain "Act of good intent" because we are not satisfied with the response we receive from people... Don't get me wrong here, doing these "Acts of good intent" are amazing and encouraging, but our motive should instead be to bring honour and glory to Christ through what we do! To "Make much of God..."

And so I leave you with a thought... Where are you searching for love and acceptance? Eternal love and acceptance can only be found in Christ!

And so the squire continues in training...